Tone Groups

There are 10 ten groups: The Low Drop, The High Drop, The Take-Off, The Low Bounce, The Switchback, The Long Jump, The High Bounce, The Jackknife, The High Dive, The Terrace.

Each tone group contains distinct nuclear patterns related to pitch that can drastically alter the meaning of certain phrases.

The following sections demonstrate the nuclear patterns as well as provide examples with their respective nomenclature and accompanying audio.


The following example is intended to explain the layout of the tone group sections. Each nuclear pattern is arranged into different subsections: statements, wh-questions, yes-no questions, interjections, etc. Under each of the subsection headings is a phrase divided into two lines. The first line indicates what Speaker 1 is saying while the second line indicates what Speaker 2 is saying. The appropriate nomenclature is represented here as well.

  • The Low Drop


  • 'Can you Ëšcome to/morrow?

  • \Yes.

IMPORTANT: Upon loading one of the tone group sections you may find that the page is blank. Please allow up to 30 seconds for the page to load completely. There is a lot of data embedded into each section and it may take time to fully load images, text, and audio data.

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