The High Dive


  • 'Which are `our Ì¥places?

  • `There’s /yours. 'Next to `Peter.

  • 'How can we `get to his Ì¥house?

  • `Walking’s the /easiest Ëšway.

  • 'Where could we `sleep?

  • `Frances has got a Ì¥couple of Ì¥spare /beds.

  • 'I’m from `Sheffield.

  • /Really? My `mother came from /there.

  • But your 'sister said `no.

  • Oh `no-one Ì¥listens to /her.

  • 'Where can I `get Braz Ì¥ilian Ì¥coffee?

  • Well the `supermark’s got a Ì¥fresh sup/ply.

  • She’s a pleasant Ì¥girl, `isn’t she?

  • Yes I `like /Barbara.

  • 'How’s `Freda Ì¥getting Ì¥on?

  • She’s `dreading her /driving test.

  • Why not task `Janet?

  • No I’d hate to ask /her a favour.

  • He had at least two helpings.

  • I’m 'not sur`prised. He’s mad on Ì¥apple /pie.

  • Are you 'going by /car?

  • No I `loathe Ì¥driving at /night.

  • 'Have some `more.

  • `Thanks. I’m partial to Ì¥Indian /curry.

  • It’s a `lovely Ì¥present, Ì¥Dick.

  • I `hoped you’d /like it.

  • 'Look at the `weather.

  • 'Ah well! I `thought it would /rain.

  • So you’ve `heard from Ì¥Archie.

  • Yes and he `told me you’d be Ì¥dropping Ì¥in to /see me.

  • 'Don’t inter`rupt, Ì¥Jake.

  • I `beg your /pardon. I 'thought you’d `finished.

  • Oh `there you are, Ì¥Tony.

  • `Hullo, Alf. I `hope I’m Ì¥not /late.

  • I really `must go /now.

  • Goodbye then. I `do hope you have a Ì¥comfortable /journey.

  • 'Fred’s Ëšanswer was `wrong.

  • Funny! He was `sure he’d Ì¥got it /right.

  • It’s 'sheer Ëšhighway `robbery.

  • I’m /`sorry you Ì¥feel it’s Ì¥too expensive.

  • I’m `so /sorry.

  • It `doesn’t matter. There’s `no real harm done.

  • But why didn’t you tell me?

  • I’m `so /sorry. I thought I `had.

  • You don’t /mind, do you?

  • No I `quite under/stand.

  • 'Thanks for in`viting me.

  • We were `so glad you could make it.

  • `Sorry I Ì¥haven’t re/turned it.

  • That’s `quite all right. I’m in `no particular /hurry Ëšfor it.

  • It’s an 'absolute `scandal.

  • There’s `no need to Ì¥get worked /up about it.

  • 'How do we `get there?

  • 'Going by `underground would be the /quickest.

  • 'Where shall we go `this year?

  • 'Somewere in `Devon would make a Ì¥pleasant /change.

  • 'How did your `holiday Ì¥go?

  • You know I 'quite en`joyed /camping.

  • He ac`cepted your offer.

  • Really? I 'didn’t dream he’d Ì¥take me /seriously.

  • Can you 'let me have Ëšsix of the large Ëšglasses?

  • Sorry. I 'haven’t `got Ì¥many of /them.

  • Haven’t you read that Ì¥article?

  • No I don’t Ëšoften `see the /Times.


  • I 'have to go `out /now.

  • 'When will you be back d’you Ëšthink?

  • Three `thousand he Ëšpaid for it.

  • When `will the Ì¥poor Ì¥fool learn wit?

Yes-No Questions:

  • `Come and have a /game, ËšPhil.

  • `Will you stop bothering me? `Can’t you see I’m /busy?


  • I’m a'fraid I’ve `lost it.

  • `Never /mind. I’ve `got a/nother one.

  • What’s upËšsetting you?

  • `Do shut the door. There’s `such a /draught.

  • I really `must go /now.

  • Oh `please Ì¥stay a little /longer.


  • 'See you on /Friday.

  • `Right you /are. `Right /to.

  • We go `that way.

  • `Half a /minute. || How d’you `know?

Last updated