The Terrace


  • Let’s hope Ì¥so.

  • Hope, that’s 'all you `can do.

  • How’s `Tim Ì¥behaving?

  • Recently he’s been 'very considerate.

  • But he only Ì¥gave me Ì¥ten pounds.

  • Some Ëšpeople 'don’t know Ëšwhen they’re well `off.


  • I’ll give him a 'piece of my `mind.

  • I hope you’ll do 'no such \thing.

  • Jane’s for'gotten her um`brella.

  • Yes, she left in 'such a `hurry.

  • 'Fancy ËšMax a`pologizing!

  • He apologized because he 'jolly well `had to.


  • But I 'get so `airsick.

  • In that case 'why not Ëšgo by `train?

  • In'vite him aËšgain in `January.

  • But in January where will he `be?

  • I’m not /very Ëšinterested.

  • If that’s how you Ëšfeel why Ëšbother about it `all?

Yes-No Questions:

  • Well `what time, Ì¥then?

  • Shall we say ten or 'ten \thirty?

  • He’s 'promised it for Ju`ly.

  • July, will 'that be `soon enough d’you Ì¥think?

  • It’ll be difficult, you Ì¥know.

  • But do you con'sider it Ëšworth `trying?


  • 'When do you `want me?

  • If you can, come 'right a`way.

  • 'Which Ëšcar shall I `use?

  • If you’ve a choice, 'use the Ëšold `mini.

  • Won’t 'forty be enough?

  • To be on the safe Ëšside, take Ëšone or two `more.


  • Won’t you Ëšhave some Ëšcoffee.

  • No /thanks. 'Drinking Ëšcoffee at lunchtime 'makes me so \sleepy.

  • 'Shall we go today?

  • No, it would 'probably be wiser to 'wait ‘till `Saturday.

  • But I thought you’d `like one.

  • As a 'matter of fact, I’ve al'ready got `two.


  • It’s so ex`pensive.

  • Pro'vided you can afford it, 'what does it `matter Ì¥how much it Ì¥costs?

  • He 'fooled me com`pletely.

  • 'How could you with 'all your experience be 'so Ëštaken \in?

  • 'How shall we `feed them?

  • 'Why don’t you encourage them Ëšall to 'bring `sandwiches?

Yes-No Questions:

  • What’s `wrong, Ì¥Jim?

  • 'Would it be possible to 'have the window Ëšshut?

  • 'Shall we walk there?

  • In 'case it rains, 'hadn’t we Ëšbetter take the \car?

  • 'Anything else I can Ëšdo for you?

  • 'Can you Ëšcall at the Post office or is 'that a bit Ëšout of your `way?


  • I don’t feel like Ëšgoing out.

  • Well then 'let’s stay at home and look at `television.

  • But Joan’s ex`pecting us.

  • 'Even if she is, 'let’s \wait a Ì¥bit.

  • 'Which is the Ëšquickest `way?

  • Take the 'first on the left, 'just past the `station.


  • They’ve 'gone on a `cruise.

  • 'How wonderful to be 'able to afford such a Ì¥holiday!

  • 'Isn’t the Ëšweather `gorgeous?

  • And what a 'perfect excuse for doing 'absoËšlutely \nothing!

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