The Low Bounce


  • `I hate Ì¥climbing ladders.

  • It’s 'all /right. You 'won’t /fall.

  • I must 'pay you what I `owe you.

  • There’s 'no /hurry. When'ever it’s /convenient.

  • `Tell me, Ì¥doctor. 'Is he /badly Ëšhurt?

  • 'Nothing at Ëšall /serious. 'Just a Ëšfew /bruises.

  • Well 'when shall we `start?

  • 'Any time that Ëšsuits /you.


  • I 'leave toËšmorrow morning.

  • Ì¥'What train are you Ëšthinking of Ëšcatching?

  • `Alice is Ì¥on the Ì¥phone.

  • 'Who does she Ëšwant to /speak to?

  • We 'ought to Ëšgo and see `Jones Ì¥sometime.

  • 'When's the Ëšbest Ëštime to /catch him, d’you supËšpose?

  • She’s 'waiting for my `brother.

  • She’s 'waiting for /who?

  • She’s 'knitting a maËšgenta pullover.

  • She’s 'knitting a /what colour Ëšpullover?

Yes-No Questions:

  • I’m 'going to Ëšdo some shopping.

  • Can 'I come too?

  • I’d `love you to Ì¥come.

  • Are you 'taking the /car?

  • I sup'pose I’ll have to.

  • 'Would you like /me to Ëšdrive?

  • 'Thank you Ëšvery `much.

  • Have you seen /Tom Ëšlately?

  • 'Not since Ëšlast ËšWednesday `week.

  • 'Wasn’t that your Ëšmother’s birthday?

  • 'Yes it `was.

  • 'Did he Ëšbring her a /present?

  • `No. || He 'said he for`got.

  • Was 'that the /real `reason.

  • `No. He’s 'probably Ëšvery hard `up just now.

  • 'May we go and /call on your Ëšmother?

  • We 'really haven’t `time this morning.

  • Have the 'Smiths inËšvited you for /Sunday?


  • What a nuisance it Ì¥all Ì¥is.

  • 'Don’t /worry. It’s 'not for much longer.

  • I 'just Ëšcan’t Ëšquite `manage it.

  • Well 'keep /trying.

  • 'Am I disturbing you?

  • No 'come /in.

  • I’m 'just going.

  • 'Have a Ëšgood /time.

  • I 'really Ëšmust be off.

  • 'Don’t let Ëšme de/tain you Ëšthen.


  • 'Have a Ëšgood holiday.

  • 'And /you!

  • 'More /tea?

  • 'No /thank you.

  • 'My Ëšname’s `Lumpkin.

  • I 'beg your /pardon. 'Would you mind Ëšsaying that a/gain?

  • You’ve 'got the Ëšwrong `number.

  • 'Sorry you’ve been /troubled.


  • Do hurry /up.

  • I’m /coming.


  • I said 'nothing of the kind.

  • What /did you Ëšsay, then?

  • He was 'treated by an `osteopath.

  • By /who, did you Ëšsay?

Yes-No Questions:

  • 'When can I call for it?

  • Would /Friday Ëšsuit you?

  • We had a `splendid Ì¥game.

  • Did you /win, by the Ëšway?


  • Good'bye for /now.

  • Look /after yourËšself.


  • Good morning, Ì¥David.

  • He/llo, there. 'Nice to `see you.

  • 'You are an Ì¥idiot.

  • I’m /sorry.

Last updated