The Switchback


  • I thought they `all took Ì¥one.

  • Ann Ì¥did. But the others Ì¥didn’t.

  • His 'name’s `John.

  • Harry

  • He’s `never been Ì¥late.

  • Never? Are you /sure?


  • 'Which one’s `mine?

  • 'Which one? That `blue one, `surely.

  • That’s Ì¥yours 'over `there.

  • Which one? Not that blue horror.

Yes-No Questions:

  • Is it /difficult?

  • Is it? Not half!

  • It’s to`morrow he Ì¥leaves.

  • Is it? Are you /sure?


  • I’ll 'dump the Ëšsuitcases \here.

  • Gently. They’re not made of iron.

  • I’ve found the 'four Ëšleafed `clover.

  • Show me.


  • 'Have you /finished?

  • Practically.

  • I didn’t Ì¥say you were Ì¥wrong.

  • You didn’t. Tom did though.

  • `Jack was Ì¥first.

  • George, you Ì¥mean.

  • She’s only Ì¥twenty /seven.

  • Twenty Ì¥seven? Thirty Ì¥seven, more Ì¥likely.


  • They 'said they Ëšsent it last `Monday.

  • When did they Ì¥say they Ì¥sent it? Last Monday?

Yes-No Questions:

  • He 'couldn’t \help them.

  • Couldn’t he? Why ever `not?


  • I 'feel I could `scream.

  • Steady, Ì¥there.

  • I hope I don’t break Ì¥anything.

  • Try Ì¥not to.


  • You won’t Ì¥tell him, `will you?

  • No. But very reluctantly.

  • It’s `black.

  • White.

  • They’re 'very nice.

  • Nice? You’re joking!


  • He’s ar'riving at \Dover.

  • Where? Don’t you mean NewËšhaven?


  • What’s `up, Ì¥Tom?

  • Mind There’s a `step here.


  • 'Is it Ëšgoing to keep /fine?

  • I think Ì¥so.

  • 'Is he Ëštall and /dark?

  • Well he’s tall.

  • It didn’t Ì¥take you /long.

  • It did, you Ì¥know.

  • 'Should I or \shouldn’t I Ì¥play?

  • You’d enjoy the Ì¥game.

  • 'Give me a\nother one, Ì¥please.

  • I’m sorry. But that’s impossible.

  • 'Ring me toËšmorrow afternoon.

  • Tomorrow Ì¥after Ì¥noon? Why to`morrow?


  • 'Why Ëšwouldn’t he `buy it?

  • Why wouldn’t he? 'No money!

Yes-No Questions:

  • Were you surprised?

  • Was I sur Ì¥prised? Not half!

  • I’ll `give it Ì¥to you.

  • D’you mean Ì¥that? Seriously?


  • May I just Ëšfinish my /letter?

  • Be quick, Ì¥then.

  • May I hold it for a Ëšminute?

  • Well be careful Ëšwith it.


  • Do you smoke?

  • I do sometimes. || But never before lunch.

  • But I thought you Ëšdidn’t take Ì¥sugar.

  • I don’t take it in Ëšcoffee or cocoa. But in tea, I `do.

  • You will Ì¥play, `won’t you?

  • I’d rather not.

  • We 'got here about `midnight.

  • It was earlier than that.

  • I need 'two Ëšhundred `pounds.

  • Two Ëšhundred pounds? But that’s a Ëšsmall `fortune!


  • 'Where did you `meet him?

  • Where did I meet him? Where d’you `think?

Yes-No Questions:

  • 'Are they sure?

  • Am I sure? I’m absoËšlutely positive.


  • She’s an 'absolute failure.

  • Now be fair.

  • I’m /sorry.

  • Well say it as Ëšif you meant it.


  • 'Why not Ëštake up `squash?

  • No fear! || `Much too Ì¥ener Ì¥getic.

Last updated