The Long Jump


  • May Ì¥likes it.

  • Yes but I `don’t.

  • I’m not Ì¥going to Ì¥help.

  • No-one’s `asked you to.

  • 'When does `he get here?

  • I’ve just this Ëšminute `told you. At a quarter Ëšpast six.

  • What on 'earth’s Ëšhappened to `Marjorie?

  • I can’t under`stand it. She should have Ëšbeen here ages ago.

  • 'How many Ëšdays in a `year?

  • Three Ëšhundred and Ëšsixty five, you Ì¥ idiot.

  • You ought to have Ëštold me at `once.

  • I didn’t realize it was that important.

  • He 'swears he Ëšdidn’t `know.

  • That’s downright nonsense. I distinctly reËšmember Ëštelling him my`self.


  • You 'mustn’t mention it.

  • Why `not?

  • You’ll 'have to a`pologize.

  • What do you `mean? Why on earth `should I?

  • We 'ought to Ëšbuy a `couple.

  • Where’s the `money Ì¥coming Ì¥from?

  • I know I brought a Ì¥knife.

  • But where in the Ëšworld have you `put it?

  • I was 'too `late.They’d `sold it.

  • Why ever didn’t you Ëšbuy it when you Ëšhad the `chance?

Yes-No Questions:

  • But John’s re`fused.

  • Does that `matter?

  • It’s always possible.

  • Is it `likely, Ì¥though?

  • Fancy ËšJack `leaving!

  • Wasn’t it ex`traordinary?

  • I doubt whether David’ll sub Ì¥scribe.

  • Is it Ëšfair to e`xpect him Ì¥to?

  • You’re not very `good at it, `are you?

  • Have I preËštended `otherwise?


  • Ten’s not e Ì¥nough.

  • Take `twenty, Ì¥ then.

  • My `feet Ì¥hurt.

  • Well take your `shoes Ì¥off.

  • I don’t want to Ëšgo alone.

  • Come aËšlong with us, Ì¥then.

  • 'This room’s `freezing, `isn’t it.

  • Well go downËšstairs where it’s a bit `warmer.

  • But I’ve lost my invi`tation.

  • Then write and Ëšask them to Ëšsend you a`nother.


  • `Nobody Ì¥turned Ì¥up.

  • How `strange!

  • But you said I `could Ì¥have it.

  • Not at `all!

  • `Look. It `works.

  • Well I `never! How ex`traordinary.

  • 'What was the `show like?

  • Very Ëšgood in`deed!

  • But I really `wanted them.

  • What a pity you Ëšdidn’t Ëšsay so `sooner.

Last updated