The High Bounce


  • It’s `snowing.

  • Much?

  • I’ve 'just Ëšseen the `Edwards Ì¥girl.

  • `Joan ËšEdwards?

  • 'Can ËšI borrow some matches?

  • Matches? By `all Ì¥means.

  • I’ve 'got to Ëšgo to `Leeds.

  • You’ve got to Ëšgo?


  • 'That was ËšArthur `Thompson.

  • What was his Ëšname? I 'didn’t quite `catch it.

  • 'Where are you \staying?

  • Where? || At the `Grand.

  • How did he find `out?

  • How did he find Ëšout? Through `Max, I imagine.

Yes-No Questions:

  • 'Can you /make me one?

  • Make you one? `With pleasure.

  • 'Wasn’t it \stupid!

  • Was it so Ëšstupid, I Ëšwonder?

  • What 'lovely \cherries!

  • Want Ëšsome?

  • I `like /Barbara.

  • Do you?

Command and Interjections:

  • `Buy me a Ì¥couple.

  • Buy you a Ëšcouple? || `Certainly.


  • 'Pass me the paper.

  • The Times, d’you Ëšmean?

  • Has /Michael arËšrived yet?

  • You were expecting him?

  • I shall 'send it off toËšmorrow after\noon.

  • Tomorrow afterËšnoon?


  • It’s 'four Ëšhundred feet \tall.

  • It’s how Ëštall?

  • I 'told him about your suc`cess.

  • About my what?

Yes-No Questions:

  • 'Would you /like one?

  • Would I Ëšlike one? `I’d love one.

  • 'How d'youËšlike my song?

  • Do you always Ëšsing as Ëšflat as Ëšthat?

Commands and Interjections:

  • 'Take them away.

  • Take both of them aËšway?

  • Fan`tastic!

  • Fantastic? What’s fan`tastic aËšbout it?


  • 'Why not Ëšask `Jennie?

  • You 'think she Ëšmight agree?

  • It 'isn’t `fair.

  • 'Not fair? 'Why `not?

  • I’d like 'two \dozen.

  • 'Two dozen, sir? `Certainly.


  • 'How Ëšmany \children has he Ì¥got?

  • 'How many? `Six, I believe.

  • 'What would Ëšyou recom`mend?

  • 'What would I recomËšmend? The `steak, I think.

  • I waited there 'two Ëšsolid \hours.

  • You 'waited there how long?

Yes-No Questions:

  • Won’t your 'wife be Ëšrather /cross?

  • 'Won’t she be Ëšcross with me, d’you Ëšmean?

  • 'Anybody Ëšwant a lift?

  • Are you 'going near ËšCharing Cross by Ëšany Ëšchance?

Commands and Interjections:

  • 'Tell me the \time, Ëšplease.

  • 'Tell you the time? 'Ten past `six.

  • 'Leave the Ëškey with Mrs. `Atkins.

  • 'Leave it with Mrs. Joyce ËšAtkins?

  • The 'silly young \fool!

  • 'Silly young fool? `Who? || John?

Last updated