The High Drop


  • How Ëšlong’ll it \take?

  • `Hours.

  • Is that /really the Ëšquickest way?

  • `Much the Ì¥quickest Ì¥way.

  • 'What’s the `next Ì¥move?

  • `Anything can Ì¥happen.


  • I shall have to give it Ì¥to him.

  • `Why?

  • `I shall be late, I’m af Ì¥raid.

  • `How Ì¥late?

  • 'Let’s paint Ëšone of the Ëšwalls `pink.

  • `Which of them, d’you Ì¥think?

Yes-No Questions:

  • I `like it | /here.

  • `Do you? (I thought you’d hate it here)

  • 'John’s geneËšrosity is a`mazing.

  • `Is it gene Ì¥rosity, d’you Ì¥think?


  • He’ll be terribly angry.

  • `Let him be Ì¥terribly Ì¥angry.

  • A 'letter Ëšwon’t reach ËšAnn in `time.

  • `Phone her, Ì¥then.

  • I `love Ì¥salted almonds.

  • `Take a Ì¥couple of Ì¥handfuls.


  • 'Will you Ëšhave a /drink?

  • `Thank you. (I’d love one)

  • 'When are you Ëšgoing to /Italy aËšgain?

  • `Goodness Ì¥knows!


  • Would you 'like to /join us?

  • I’d `love to.

  • 'Did you /like ËšBox ËšHill?

  • Im`mensely. || It’s a delightful Ì¥spot.

  • You can’t eat all that.

  • Oh, but I `can. || I’m `starving.


  • You 'must \do it.

  • But `how?

  • Do you 'think it was /Terry?

  • Who `else Ì¥could it have Ì¥been?

  • I know 'all about it.

  • But how `can you Ì¥know?

Yes-No Questions:

  • She said she intended to re Ì¥turn it.

  • Yes but `did she Ì¥bring it Ì¥back in Ì¥fact?

  • We’ll `never be Ì¥ready by /Monday.

  • Shall we post`pone the Ì¥meeting Ì¥then?


  • He 'can’t afËšford to `pay.

  • Well `give it to him, Ì¥then.

  • 'Lots of people Ëšdon’t `like it.

  • Well take `me for Ì¥instance.

  • I 'won’t hear of it.

  • Now be `reasonable, Ì¥Frank.


  • 'May I Ëšuse your phone?

  • By `all means.

  • I 'owe you an a`pology.

  • I should `think so, in Ì¥deed.


  • 'Which would you like, 'tea or coffee?

  • 'I’d preËšfer `tea.

  • 'Why didn’t `you Ì¥play?

  • I 'couldn’t Ëšfind my `racquet.

  • You’re 'just in time.

  • I was a'fraid I should be `late. I 'missed the `bus.


  • I’ve 'just seen that Ëšnew `musical.

  • 'What’s it `called?

  • `UnderËšneath the `Arches.

  • 'What did you `think of it?

  • What was Ëšthat you Ëšsaid?

  • 'Where did you Ëšgo for your Ëšsummer `holiday?

Yes-No Questions:

  • 'Shall we tell Frank aËšbout it?

  • 'Dare we `risk Ì¥that?

  • This 'pen of Ëšmine’s `useless.

  • Would you 'like to borrow `mine?

  • D’you 'think I should ring him?

  • 'Mightn’t be Ëšbetter to `wait?


  • I hate Ì¥quarrelling with Clare.

  • Then 'make it `up with her.

  • This cocoa’s Ì¥not very Ì¥sweet.

  • Have a'nother Ëšlump of `sugar.

  • The lid doesn’t `fit.

  • 'Try Ëšturning it the Ëšother way `round.


  • 'Thank you Ëšvery `much.

  • 'Not at `all! 'Thank `you.

  • 'Why not disËšcuss it with `Brian?

  • A 'lot of Ëšgood `that would Ì¥do.

Last updated